Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Early Learners 4 year olds

The early Learners brought in some quotes written by parents, and they made some of the letters for the words with special stamps and plaster moulds and decorated them with underglazes.

A mural is being created by the children of the Ormiston Campus of Camberwell Grammar School, to celebrate the  Value of Education for Girls

Sentences by Year 6 students: about how education can help in achieving your aspirations

Some Year 6 Girls also wrote sentences about their inspirations in life and why education is important in realising these. These small tiles will form the sentences around the bottom of each of the steps.

I hand-painted the words on the tiles one afternoon as I read these fabulous sentences and was very inspired by the girl's writing!!!!

(Don't worry if your sentence is not here yet, I still have some more to write up)

year 2 students - What I want to be when I grow up!

The year 2 students made their writing on tiles by scratching into a surface of coloured liquid underglaze.
After the tiles are glazed and fired they will be brighter colours of browns and blues ready to be put into the mural.

Year 6 Role Models

Year 6 students made low relief sculptures for the mural about the people who inspire them.